Frequently asked questions
Who is YON and what services exactly does it offer?
YON is a "MARKETPLACE," a marketplace dedicated to growth finance and Acquisition/Sale transactions of companies, corporations, units or shares thereof, where supply and demand meet anonymously and confidentially to facilitate the growth and aggregation of small and medium-sized enterprises.
YON offers 3 types of services dedicated respectively to:
- STARTUPs, which seek finance to grow (GROW);
- SMEs - "SELL SIDE", Enterprises that want to be sold all or part (SELL);
- SMEs - "BUY SIDE," Enterprises that want to grow by external lines by buying other companies (BUY).
How much do YON services cost?
YON operates on a non-exclusive mandate; there is an initial fixed fee (quantified according to the type of services required) aimed at research activities and the generation of initial contacts with potential interested parties, as well as a variable percentage fee due only in case of successful completion of the operation.
Who pays?
YON's services are paid for solely by the client who contacts us to have their announcement posted on the marketplace.
I am interested in a YON announcement, what should I do?
Each announcement on the marketplace includes a specific form to be filled in, in order to obtain in real time the first anonymous information related to the project. Subsequently, you will be contacted by YON staff to delve more analytically into the data, against the signing of a specific confidentiality agreement (NDA), which will be proposed to you.
I am interested in learning more about a project, how much does your service cost me?
The service is completely free of charge. YON is paid by those who apply to us to have their announcements posted on the marketplace.
I asked about a project and would like to investigate further, what should I do?
The information found on our marketplace is all intentionally anonymous. To obtain more data and/or guidance, you must sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) that is provided by YON.
I would like to sell my business, what should I do?
You can contact YON staff by filling out the appropriate form (https://www.yon.it/cessione-ricerca-soci) to request more information, get an initial review of the project, and schedule a possible follow-up meeting.
I would like to acquire more companies, can YON help me?
Surely, by accessing the appropriate section and filling out the form (https://www.yon.it/acquisizione). YON, with the utmost confidentiality and full anonymity, will help you find suitable opportunities through special searches, to enable you to acquire a company or a business unit , one or more company production assets, share packages and majority or minority company shares, according to your specific requirements.
We are a startup, what services can YON offer us?
YON offers you two options (https://www.yon.it/startup) :
Apply for a paid service:
"Taylor-made" service with privileged access to our network, aimed at the development and growth of your startup. The YON team will publish your announcement on the marketplace, directly search for opportunities to propose to you, disseminate your project (anonymously) to thousands of contacts in the industrial and financial world and analyze together with you the best growth path, providing you with the necessary tools to achieve your goals;
Accessing a free announcement posting service:
Giving you the opportunity to publish your announcement only anonymously on the YON showcase, taking advantage of the service specially designed for Startups, which does not include any fixed initial fees, but only the expected success-fee. This service allows her to appear on the Italian M&A marketplace and be visible to potential investors or partners, but does not include assistance or support or any further direct activities by YON.
If I entrust assignment to YON, will you assist me during negotiations?
Each of our clients is assisted during negotiations by YON staff, to facilitate the successful conclusion of the transaction.
Does YON require an exclusive?
YON does not require exclusives from its clients
The data I communicate to YON, is it kept confidential?
Privacy and anonymity are indispensable in our business. The entire marketplace operates in "blind" (anonymous) mode. Only upon signing confidentiality agreements (NDAs), detailed information can be obtained in "plain text".
Is it possible to make an appointment at your offices?
Sicuramente è possibile incontrarci di persona, previo appuntamento (https://www.yon.it/contatti).
We received an email from you in which you propose a company that is a client of yours, what is it about?
We promote all our projects by sending personalized emails to thousands of contacts we have built over time, such as: entrepreneurs, professionals, banks, insurance companies, private, professional, institutional, national and international investors. If you are interested in learning more about this project or would like to contact us for other needs, you are free to do so; we will be glad to meet you (https://www.yon.it/contatti).
Are you also involved in seeking commercial and industrial partnerships?
This is not our main activity. However, it has often been the case that deals other than typical M&A deals have resulted between companies brought into contact with each other through YON.
Who is YON and what services exactly does it offer?
YON is a "MARKETPLACE," a marketplace dedicated to growth finance and Acquisition/Sale transactions of companies, corporations, units or shares thereof, where supply and demand meet anonymously and confidentially to facilitate the growth and aggregation of small and medium-sized enterprises.
YON offers 3 types of services dedicated respectively to:
- STARTUPs, which seek finance to grow (GROW);
- SMEs - "SELL SIDE", Enterprises that want to be sold all or part (SELL);
- SMEs - "BUY SIDE," Enterprises that want to grow by external lines by buying other companies (BUY).
How much do YON services cost?
YON operates on a non-exclusive mandate; there is an initial fixed fee (quantified according to the type of services required) aimed at research activities and the generation of initial contacts with potential interested parties, as well as a variable percentage fee due only in case of successful completion of the operation.
Who pays?
YON's services are paid for solely by the client who contacts us to have their announcement posted on the marketplace.
I am interested in a YON announcement, what should I do?
Each announcement on the marketplace includes a specific form to be filled in, in order to obtain in real time the first anonymous information related to the project. Subsequently, you will be contacted by YON staff to delve more analytically into the data, against the signing of a specific confidentiality agreement (NDA), which will be proposed to you.
I am interested in learning more about a project, how much does your service cost me?
The service is completely free of charge. YON is paid by those who apply to us to have their announcements posted on the marketplace.
I asked about a project and would like to investigate further, what should I do?
The information found on our marketplace is all intentionally anonymous. To obtain more data and/or guidance, you must sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) that is provided by YON.
I would like to sell my business, what should I do?
You can contact YON staff by filling out the appropriate form (https://www.yon.it/cessione-ricerca-soci) to request more information, get an initial review of the project, and schedule a possible follow-up meeting.
I would like to acquire more companies, can YON help me?
Surely, by accessing the appropriate section and filling out the form (https://www.yon.it/acquisizione). YON, with the utmost confidentiality and full anonymity, will help you find suitable opportunities through special searches, to enable you to acquire a company or a business unit , one or more company production assets, share packages and majority or minority company shares, according to your specific requirements.
We are a startup, what services can YON offer us?
YON offers you two options (https://www.yon.it/startup) :
Apply for a paid service:
"Taylor-made" service with privileged access to our network, aimed at the development and growth of your startup. The YON team will publish your announcement on the marketplace, directly search for opportunities to propose to you, disseminate your project (anonymously) to thousands of contacts in the industrial and financial world and analyze together with you the best growth path, providing you with the necessary tools to achieve your goals;
Accessing a free announcement posting service:
Giving you the opportunity to publish your announcement only anonymously on the YON showcase, taking advantage of the service specially designed for Startups, which does not include any fixed initial fees, but only the expected success-fee. This service allows her to appear on the Italian M&A marketplace and be visible to potential investors or partners, but does not include assistance or support or any further direct activities by YON.
If I entrust assignment to YON, will you assist me during negotiations?
Each of our clients is assisted during negotiations by YON staff, to facilitate the successful conclusion of the transaction.
Does YON require an exclusive?
YON does not require exclusives from its clients
The data I communicate to YON, is it kept confidential?
Privacy and anonymity are indispensable in our business. The entire marketplace operates in "blind" (anonymous) mode. Only upon signing confidentiality agreements (NDAs), detailed information can be obtained in "plain text".
Is it possible to make an appointment at your offices?
Sicuramente è possibile incontrarci di persona, previo appuntamento (https://www.yon.it/contatti).
We received an email from you in which you propose a company that is a client of yours, what is it about?
We promote all our projects by sending personalized emails to thousands of contacts we have built over time, such as: entrepreneurs, professionals, banks, insurance companies, private, professional, institutional, national and international investors. If you are interested in learning more about this project or would like to contact us for other needs, you are free to do so; we will be glad to meet you (https://www.yon.it/contatti).
Are you also involved in seeking commercial and industrial partnerships?
This is not our main activity. However, it has often been the case that deals other than typical M&A deals have resulted between companies brought into contact with each other through YON.