
  • Code:301
  • Sector: SERVICES
  • Geographical area startup: Nord Italia
  • Stratup turnover: MINORE DI € 1.000.000

Company specifications

The company has developed a highly innovative and proprietary platform to streamline and simplify the tax return process for owners of crypoassets (cryptocurrencies, tokens, etc.). The area of strength of the business is that of having succeeded in putting customers (cryptoasset holders) in close communication with an extensive network of certified and registered accountants. Professionals who, let us remember, also on this issue, are obliged to provide clients with ever greater guarantees of protection and insurance cover for their work. In addition, the startup has a committee of authoritative and institutionally recognised experts, who collaborate with the company in order to keep the platform constantly integrated and updated with the laws pertaining to crypto activity.


The company is looking for an investor who wants to develop, complete and promote the platform, also on foreign markets. To help extend the network of professionals and the sales network; the latter is undergoing strong internal development.

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