
  • Code:305
  • Sector: MECHANICS
  • Geographical area transferor: Nord Italia
  • Transferor turnover: € 2.000.000 - 3.000.000

Company specifications

A historic manufacturing company, for over 50 years present in the market for the production of asynchronous electric motors for various applications, with particular specialisation in the production of medium power equipment.
Thanks to the know-how acquired over decades of activity, the company is internally structured to cover the entire production chain of electric motors, from design to after-sales service, including the electromechanical machining necessary for a range of high quality products.
The well-established structure of the organisation guarantees a good operating margin.


We are looking for an industrial partner for the partial transfer of the majority of the company package and for a partnership, motivated by the possibility of expanding the sales network, currently consisting of 50% Italian-50% foreign customers, consolidating market presence and expanding the product range through the strengthening of R&S resources.
We confirm our full availability for the operational support to the new ownership. This investment opportunity represents the chance to actively participate in the commercial growth and to increase your position in the electric motor market.

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