
  • Code:217
  • Geographical area transferor: Centro Italia
  • Transferor turnover: € 1.000.000 - 2.000.000

Company specifications

A company formed by combining multidisciplinary technical and entrepreneurial expertise, it has become a leader in the 4.0 agriculture market in just a few years. It has developed three business lines through as many digital platforms, with the aim of: - optimise farms (basic requirement); - connect and manage tens or hundreds of farms, using the basic platform, in value and supply chain ecosystems; - automate field data collection, traceability activities and integration of everyday devices through hardware components. Over the years, it has implemented an ambitious industrial development plan, also abroad. In fact, it is consolidating its position in Spain, Greece, Eastern Europe and South America.


The company is looking for an industrial or financial partner to accompany both domestic and international business development with a reinforcement of the dedicated staff and direct presence or through representatives abroad. Starting next December, the company will launch an investment round of about Euro 4/5 million, in a time window of about three months.

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