
  • Code:252
  • Geographical area startup: Nord Italia
  • Stratup turnover: N.D.

Company specifications

Thanks to a patent based on near-field communication (NFC) technology, it will be possible to have one's sensitive documents at hand at all times. The advantage of NFC technology is the ability to embed its tags in portable, easy-to-carry devices that can contain a reference to the bearer's sensitive data or an entire data set. All in a secure container accessible only in the presence of the data holder. Also usable at customs controls, police checkpoints and airport gates, NFC technology is supported by a triple security system. The system is based on an open read part and a protected part, which has a 3-level authentication (password, user ID and encrypted code inside the NFC), for uploading documentation. By using the public front of the app, the technology can store any ticket for events such as concerts and theatre occasions, even storing concert ticket codes, combined with the relevant ID and Green Pass. The private front of the developed app can act as an access code to transport data from a storage server to a new device with ease, without passing the data through third-party servers.


The company is looking for financial or industrial investors to finance a capital increase of € 300k to activate the commercialisation phase of the product.

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